Membership into the Marine Corps League is open to only persons who are serving, or who have served honorably in the United States Marine Corps, or United States Navy personnel attached to the Marine Corps, for a period of not less than ninety (90) days, and persons who are serving or have served in the United States Marine Corps Reserve and have earned no less than ninety (90) Reserve Retirement Credit Points are eligible for regular membership in the Marine Corps League.
We also accept Associate members for those individuals not qualified for regular membership in the Marine Corps League who espouse the principles and purposes of the Marine Corps League as contained in the Congressional Charter may upon application to a Detachment, or to the National Headquarters, be accepted for associate membership in the Marine Corps League.
If you are interested in membership in the Casa Grande Detachment 901 please click the link below print out the application and follow the instructions.  If you have any questions or concerns please call (520) 333-5616 or E-mail us at the link at the bottom of the page
Membership Application